There are many companies out there that will install your Christmas Lights for you, but there are a couple nuances to be aware of when comparing the pricing you receive.

Light installation is typically quoted in one of two ways:
You Own The Lights - The installer will provide the material and install your lights the first year. When they take them down they will either give them to you to store during the year or they will store them on your behalf and bring them back the next year to reinstall. You own the lights and have the right to keep them or have someone else install them in subsequent years.*** Your cost in the first year is typically higher, but you pay a flat install fee in subsequent years that is much lower than the first since you are no longer paying for material.
You Lease The Lights - The installer will provide the material and install your lights. They keep and own the lights. You continue to pay the leasing fee each year you want them to install the lights on your property. You typically pay a higher average fee per linear foot over the term of your lease since you are paying for the convenience of being able to walk away from those lights should you ever move or not want lights installed on your house in a given year.
***Be mindful of companies offering an "ownership" model that store the lights for you. They don't always make it easy to get your lights back should you not have them rehang the next year. Carefully read any contract or estimate language they make you sign/accept.
Ownership Pros
Lower cost in the long-run
You control your lights and don't have to work with the same installer
Can leave for buyer as a perk when you sell your home
Can also take with you to your next home and potentially be modified to fit
Easy to add on to if you wanted to add "gingerbread" or landscape lighting in future years
Leasing Pros
No long-term commitment
Some installers will let you change your bulb color each year
It's possible to get a lower first year cost depending on how the installer prices
You typically get a life time "warranty" since the installer owns the lights and is guaranteeing they work 100% each year you pay to install
What We Offer & Include:
We find that most customers tend to like to own and control their lights so we only offer an ownership pricing model. We are able to offer extremely competitive prices to install your new lights in the first year because of our strong supplier relationship and bulk ordering. We use high quality commercial grade material that is designed to last much longer than the average home ownership period.
Our C9 LED light bulbs have an average life span of 60,000 hours. We use industry standard SPT-1 socket wire that is fully customizable so we can custom cut it to your house for seamless transitions. If a socket or section of wire is ever damaged over the life of your wire we can easy replace sockets or add a new section of wire at minimal to no cost.
As long as we continue to rehang your lights year-over-year we take care of any minor repairs or bulb replacements that are needed. While not very common, it is possible that a bulb or two will need to be changed out every few years, a socket may stop working, and shingle/gutter clips may break and need to be replaced.
We ultimately want to build a long-term relationship and work to make sure scheduling/communication is easy, payments are seamless with fee free card payments accepted, and you can count on us to always be local and in business to rehang your lights for years to come.