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Mechanical Aeration Service

Aerating your lawn at least once per year is an essential part of maintaining healthy turf and soil. Mechanical aeration punches holes or removes cores up to 2" deep in your soil. This allows oxygen, water, and nutrients to reach deeper into the root layer of your turf. It also helps reduce the build up of thatch and combats our compact clay soils that have a negative impact on your turf. 

Aerations are most commonly completed in spring once the grass is actively growing, but prior to the stress of the summer season. A second aeration can also be completed in the fall where recommended to improve compact soils or help recover from damage of the summer that may have been caused by grubs, lack of water, or disease. 

Our team will mark all sprinkler heads in the middle of your turf areas prior to aerating and test after to verify that no heads were damaged during aeration. 

Cores can be left on the turf to break back down into your soil or collected post-aeration. We can talk you through the pros and cons of both approaches and quote you properly for your needs.  

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